Sunday, November 3, 2013

Top WordPress SEO Plugins

There are many WordPress SEO plugins available and it can be difficult to know which ones to install. Below are some of the top WordPress SEO plugins.SEO PacksThere are a number of WordPress SEO plugins which include many customizable functions:All in One SEO Pack - One of the most well known WordPress SEO plugins which does a bit of everything and can be used "out of the box". There is a paid version for SEO professionals.
FV All In One SEO Pack - A simplified version of the above with a streamlined interface.
Platinum SEO Pack - Based on All in One SEO Pack but more advanced.
Headspace2SEO - A powerful plugin to manage meta-data and handle a wide range of SEO tasks.
SEO Ultimate WordPress Plugin - An all-in-one plugin with many powerful features.
Greg's High Performance SEO - Lots of functionality which avoids the need for some of the plugins below.The above is not a definitive list and new multifunction WordPress SEO plugins are still appearing. So which to install? Firstly be careful about installing plugins that are still in beta, secondly decide how much you want to get into SEO.If you are not sure All In One SEO Pack is a good starting point. It is very popular, as evidenced by the more advanced plugins providing a migration path.Other WordPress SEO PluginsProvided the features of these plugins are not included in your SEO Pack plugin the following are useful:Google XML Sitemaps - Generates a site map supported by Google, Bing and Yahoo. Enables the search engines to find and index content quickly.
SEO Slugs - A simple plugin that removes common words from slugs (filenames). Makes URLs more search engine friendly.
SEO Smart Links - Automatically generates links, both internal and external, within your content (external links can be no follow). Such links will boost your on page SEO.
SEO Friendly Images - Automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes. This can be very beneficial for SEO purposes.
WP-Super-Cache - Speeds up serving of pages by holding a static copy to avoid database calls. Important because slow loading of pages will have a negative effect on search engine rankings.
Redirection - Manages 301 redirections and tracks 404 errors which can then be redirected.
SEOPressor - Analyses pages and posts and reports on content optimisation with recommendations. It is vital for SEO purposes that the search engines see your content as highly relevant to the targeted keywords.